Monday, May 6, 2019

Brief Introduction To Jinshan District Shanghai

Jinshan District covers a total land area of 611 square kilometers and has a population of 800,000, including 9 towns, 1 sub-district and a municipal-level Jinshan Industrial Park. Jinshan is in the southwest of Shanghai, north of Hangzhou Bay, neighboring Songjiang and Qingpu Districts in the north and Fengxian District in the east, and bordering Pinghu and Jiashan in Zhejiang Province in the west. Thus it's at the economic center of the Yangtze River Delta region. With the opening of Hangzhou Bay Bridge to traffic, Jinshan enjoys excellent transport in China's most dynamic region - the Yangtze River Delta.
In Jinshan district there are seven expressways: G15, G1501, G 60, S4, S19, S32 and S36. So far a comprehensive transportation network has been formed in Jinshan, enjoying links between Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, and an important part of Hangzhou Bay area.
The existing Shanghai-Hangzhou railway and Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway run through northern Jinshan. The Jinshan sub-line of Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway connects with the southern Jinshan petrochemical city, and it has been upgraded into an inter-city high-speed railway.
Fengjing Town: The town covers a total area of 91.66 square kilometers, which is divided into four construction blocks: Industrial block - Shanghai Fengjing Industrial Park (municipal-level industrial zone) with an area of 15.8 square kilometers; township block - an area of 9 square kilometers ; business & travel block - an area of 2.5 square kilometers; modern agriculture block - an area of 62 square kilometers.
Zhujing Town: The town covers an area of 77.11 square kilometers with abundant rivers. Land and water transportation is convenient with rich resources. Stainless steel, medicine, clothing, electronics are pillar industries of the town. There are many tourist attractions in the area and it is famous for folk arts, among which Jinshan peasant paintings are widely known.
Tinglin Town: It is one of the 22 central towns in the new urban plan for Shanghai. It covers an area of 122.27 square kilometers in the northeastern of Jinshan District. It has the oldest district-level industrial park with 3.1 square kilometers already developed. The park, with complete infrastructure and excellent functional layout, has shown the momentum of development, and it is the backbone of Tinglin Town's industrial economy.
Caojing Town: The town covers an area of 44.92 square kilometers. Tingwei road and Jinshan railway extension are on the west of the town, while Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway, Puwei Road, Pudong Railway are to the east. Caolang and Zhucao Roads run across the town territory while the A4 and A5 highways run through the town. Caojing Water Recreational Village at Reservoir Village is one of the trial recreational projects built for the Expo 2010 Shanghai China.
Jinshanwei Town: The town has an area of 54.93 square kilometers, with 10.78 square kilometers in the south as Shanghai Fine Chemical Industry Park. Chashan ancient cultural sites include Wanshou Temple, Gu Guanguang Cemetery, Li Yi'e Martyrs Cemetery, the Japanese-invasion Landing Site and Zhangqiao Mutton Village.
Shanyang Town: The town is a key development area of Jinshan with a total area of 42.12 square kilometers. The "Three Islands of Jinshan" form the first marine nature reserve in Shanghai. With deep cultural heritage and brilliant folk culture, the town is known as a "cultural hometown."
Langxia Town: The town is a city-level modern agricultural park with a total area of 51 square kilometers. The agricultural processing zone has been named as a national model base by the Ministry of Agriculture. The zone covers an area of four square kilometers, focusing on the deep processing of agricultural products, bio-medicine and other pollution-free industrial projects.
Luxiang Town: This is one of the hometowns of Chinese peaches in the mid-west of Jinshan District. It is west of Jinshan Industrial Zone, east of Xinli Town in Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province, north of Zhangyan and Langxia towns, and adjacent to Zhujing and Tinglin towns in the north. Luxiang is China's largest peach base with an area of nearly 10,000 mu. Among the species, "Huangmo" peaches are the most well-known with an area of 5,000 mu.
Zhangyan Town: This is in the southeast of Jinshan District with a total area of 35.15 square kilometers. The town has, according to legend, Qin Hill where Emperor Qinshihuang once climbed and looked east toward the sea (also known as Qinwang Hill, Qinshihuang Hill, Qinzhu Hill) and a Southern Society Museum. The S19 and S4 highways, Songwei South Road, Caolang Road, Jinshi Road, Songjin Road and Jinzhang Road runs across the town, and Zhangjing River, Shantang River, Niuqiao River, Zishi River are the main water transportation network in town.
Sinopec Sub-district: It covers an area of 19.13 square kilometers, located in the southwest of Shanghai and at the edge of Hangzhou Bay. In the sub-district, you can find a large chemical company - Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co, Shanghai's most remote urban community and the city's only urban beach. It is the political, cultural and business center of Jinshan District.
Jinshan Industrial Park: It is one of the nine municipal-level industrial zones in Shanghai supported by the municipal government. It was established in 2003 with an area of 58 square kilometers. In the park there are major industrial bases in bio-pharmaceuticals, new energy and energy-saving, new materials, advanced machinery and equipment, electronic information, and food processing.
Jinshan has enjoyed sustained economic growth in recent years and has improved its infrastructure and industrial mix. It is striving to achieve a ecological balance and a harmonious and prosperous society.
In 2012 the district registered a GDP of 46.7 billion yuan (US$7.58 billion), gross industrial output value of 133.9 billion yuan and fiscal revenue of 20.5 billion yuan. The district is building itself into one of the city's key development areas.
During the "12th Five-Year Plan," Shanghai's development will shift its focus to the suburban area, thus providing a new round of development opportunities for Jinshan District.
Advanced manufacturing and modern service industries will be the key to developing Shanghai's suburbs, including Jinshan. Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government have set the strategic objectives of developing high-tech industries and Jinshan will be an important base for this, which ensures an excellent future for the district.
A clear development plan and strong industrial base laid the cornerstone for economic growth in Jinshan, which is the country's major petrochemical industry base. Within its boundaries are the largest modern petrochemical enterprises in China – Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co - and the largest chemical industrial zone in the Far East, Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone.
Jinshan Industrial Zone, Shanghai Fine Chemical Industry Park and the National New Material Deep Processing Park in Zhangyan are well planed with excellent infrastructure and supporting facilities.
Jinshan has enjoyed sustained economic growth in recent years and has improved its infrastructure and industrial mix. It is striving to achieve a ecological balance and a harmonious and prosperous society.
In 2012 the district registered a GDP of 46.7 billion yuan (US$7.58 billion), gross industrial output value of 133.9 billion yuan and fiscal revenue of 20.5 billion yuan. The district is building itself into one of the city's key development areas.
During the "12th Five-Year Plan," Shanghai's development will shift its focus to the suburban area, thus providing a new round of development opportunities for Jinshan District.
Advanced manufacturing and modern service industries will be the key to developing Shanghai's suburbs, including Jinshan. Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government have set the strategic objectives of developing high-tech industries and Jinshan will be an important base for this, which ensures an excellent future for the district.
A clear development plan and strong industrial base laid the cornerstone for economic growth in Jinshan, which is the country's major petrochemical industry base. Within its boundaries are the largest modern petrochemical enterprises in China – Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co - and the largest chemical industrial zone in the Far East, Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone.
Jinshan Industrial Zone, Shanghai Fine Chemical Industry Park and the National New Material Deep Processing Park in Zhangyan are well planed with excellent infrastructure and supporting facilities.

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