Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Brief Introduction To Putuo District Shanghai

Geographical Location
Putuo District is located in the northwest of Shanghai City, adjacent to Jing’an, Changning, Jiading and Baoshan districts. Covering an area of 55.53km2, the district governs 8 sub-districts and 2 towns. With 14km of Suzhou Creek winding through, Putuo District has a shore line of 21km.
By the end of 2015, Putuo District has a permanent population of 1,288,000, including a registered population of 894,700 and a migrant population of 343,500.
Location Advantage
Putuo District is situated in northwest of central Shanghai. As the starting point of Shanghai-Nanjing Development Axis, Putuo is an important on-land gate and transport hub of Shanghai to connect the Yangtze River Delta and the extensive inland. Putuo has a developed external transportation network, with 10km from Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub, and 50km from Pudong Airport. “Zero Transfer” is realized at Shanghai West Railway Station where Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway, Metro Line 11,Metro Lines 15 and 21 in planning converge and form regional comprehensive three-dimensional traffic. In addition, the entry section of G2 Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed penetrates this area with S5 Shanghai-Jiading Expressway in the north.  National Highways G204 and G312 both start from the district reaching out to Yangtze River valley, northeastern and northwestern China.  Putuo also has a developed internal transportation network with the Inner, Middle and Outer Ring Roads and Metro Lines 3, 4, 7, 11 and 13 traversing through to connect with central districts and neighboring suburban areas.
History & culture
The Putuo District was established in December 1945, originally named the thirteenth district and changed to its current name in January 1947 after the Putuo road in this area. It is located in the north western part of Shanghai where the city and rural outskirts merge. This district covers an area of 55.47 square kilometers and borders Zhabei District on the east, Jiading District on the west, Changning and Jing’an District on the south and Baoshan District on the north. By the end of the year 2007, it has a permanent residential population of 1134 thousand people, or 319.9 thousand households, including a non-native population of 237.7 thousand people. The Putuo District is made up of eight sub-districts and two towns.
The Putuo District is the junction of road transportation in western Shanghai, known as Shanghai’s ‘west hall lounge’. The Shanghai-Nanjing Railway and the Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway join together at the Shanghai West Railway Station in this area. The Zhennan Road and the Cao’an Road are respectively the starting point of national road No.204 and No. 312. The Shanghai-Jiaxing Highway begins in its northwestern part and the Shanghai-Nanjing Highway its western part. The city’s inner loop highway, outer loop highway and the Mingzhu Line (subway line 3) also run across this district.
As an old industrial zone, the Putuo District was one of the cradle lands where Chinese Communist Party had led workers’ revolutions. Early activists of Chinese Communist Party such as Li Qihan, Deng Zhongxia, Xiang Ying, Li Lisan, Liu Shaoqi had all led workers’ revolutions in this district. This area used to depend on textile or flour industries in the past. However, with the policy of reform and opening-up, it has developed into a comprehensive industrial park with various industries in a short time. Due to the development of real estate, logistics, commerce, modern urban industry and the third industries such as tourism and service in the market economy, its economy is growing every year. Next, Putuo is to become the modernized trade market for Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta economic zone as well.
The Putuo District used to have many squatter settlements, among which Tanzi Wan, Panjia Wan, Zhujia Wan, Yaoshui Lane were the most well-known in old Shanghai. It started to build Shanghai’s first workers’ residential quarter, Caoyangxin village in 1951 and gradually set up more than 60 residential quarters. In 1992, the Putuo District started a third wave of house building. In the last decade, the old squatter settlements have all been renewed or reconstructed and more than 300 skyscrapers and hundreds of modern buildings have been established, among which are the 2150 thousand square kilometers Shanghai Wanli City, a representative case of the development of new city and the 1600 thousand square kilometers Zhongyuan Liangwan City, a representative case of the reconstruction of old city. The renewal and modernization of old city has enabled the perfection of the city infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Now, the whole district is making efforts to build a new Putuo.
Among the tourist attractions of the Putuo District are Jade Buddha Temple, famous for its two white-jade statues of Sakyamuni with one seated and the other one reclining; Zhenru Temple, ranked as cultural heritage under state protection in 1996 and which holds annual Zhenru Cultural Temple fairs; Huxi Mosque, one of the large mosques in Shanghai; Huxi Workers Cultural Palace, Shanghai’s largest garden-like cultural palace; Changfeng Park, famous for its beautiful scenery , the ocean world beneath the ornamental lake and Shanghai International Flower Festivals which are held every other year and also Changshou Park, Haitang Park, Weilaidao Park, etc.
Comprehensive Strength
In 2015, Putuo District took initiative to adapt to and actively lead economic new normal. It focused on the development of key areas including Taopu and made breakthrough in solving crucial problems of reform, innovation-driven restructuring and open economy development, economic transition and upgrading, renovation of dilapidated area and industrial structure adjustment. It made important progress in cooperation with major research institutions and universities. The regional financial gross income in 2015 reached RMB 28.42 billion, recording a year on year growth of 10.94 %. During the 12th five-year period, the regional financial gross income rose 13.14 % annually on average. Among them the added value of service sector accounted for 86.66 %, 5 %  higher than five years ago. The district-level tax revenue of modern service industry including scientific service, merger and acquisition, accounted for 18.52 %, and that of commerce and trade accounted for 15.14 %.
Industry Layout
Putuo has stressed on achieving innovation-driven development as well as economic transformation and upgrading. The tertiary industry accounted for 86.66% of the regional GDP. The district-level tax revenue on modern service industry rose 13.62%, accounting for 18.52% of the total district-level tax revenue. The district-level tax revenue on commerce and trade increased by 5.56%, accounting for 15.14% of the total. “Four New” economy keeps flourishing in the district, and 11 enterprises have been listed on New Three Board and OCT market. A number of low-level markets have been closed along Caoyang Road.  Friendship Store in the district has become one of the first test shops on tax-refund for overseas visitors while leaving the nation. It completed the first transaction in Shanghai.
In 2015 Putuo made an Implementation Opinion on Upgrading Area Scientific Innovation Ability in order to state the district’s functional position and innovation layout. The district introduced 28 policies in 6 categories in order to cooperate with the construction of scientific innovation center in Shanghai. Twenty seven creative spaces registered records in Putuo and invested 1.92 billion yuan. In the district there are 3 municipal, 12 district level technology centers. It added 20 high and new technology enterprises and 6 municipal level “scientific giant enterprises.” A creative consortium made up of over 20 creative spaces has been set up, making it the first district level creative consortium in Shanghai. Putuo started scientific service coupon test to encourage sharing of scientific resources. The construction of major projects and functional platforms has been accelerated on a number of national centers, including software engineering research center and robot test and assessment center. The district also strengthened cooperation with research institutions and colleges to  complement each other’s advantages and interests.
Service Economy
Putuo District has witnessed rapid development in the new system of open economy. In 2015 it attracted contractual foreign investment of USD 1.534 billion,  30.69% high year-on-year. The actual foreign investment increased by 15.33% to USD 709 million. It introduced domestic registered (subscribed) capital RMB 26.596 billion yuan, a year on year increase of 38.72%. It newly invited 4 multinational companies to set up their regional headquarters. The number of total regional headquarters has reached  9. Putuo has kept improving environment for business operation and promoted investment in functional areas. Investment promotion centers have been set up and improved. It set up a complete SME service system with 17 municipal level agencies. The total tax revenue from key buildings was RMB 6.972 billion yuan, up by 12.85%. The construction of credit system for enterprises has been pushed forward in a stable manner and supervision has been greatly strengthened.
Key Areas
During the 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020), Putuo District is determined to make full use of its strength and resources. This includes  accelerating a series of major projects to  develop  the “One Axis and Two Wings” layout. The layout comprises transforming Taopu Area, turning Wuning Road into an axis for innovation, building the northern wing area into a model for urban transformation and the southern riverside area as a vital business zone.
I Wuning Innovation Axis
Wuning Road is not only the main path to access the urban area and the Yangtze-River Delta region but also an important hub for local businesses and industries. We aim to turn the road into an innovative axis, that leads the transformation and development of the whole district. A series of projects will be conducted, including the renovation of Shanghai West Cultural Palace, the construction of Metro Line 14 & 15, as well as the upgrade of Wuning Road. With  active support from scientific research institutes along the road, we will kick off  construction of Citic Technology Fortune Plaza,  relocation of National Robot Testing and Evaluation Center, and  renovation of Bailian Zhonghuan Shopping Mall. Strong ties with local universities including East China Normal University and Tongji University is also on the cards.
II A Model Zone for Urban Transformation in the Northern Area
The northern area covers Taopu Smart City and Zhenru area. During the 13th Five Year Plan, we aim to push  the transformation of Taopu area and accelerate  development of both areas. It will be a model zone of urban transformation and development in north-west Shanghai. We will build stronger partnership with districts of Baoshan and Jiading to serve as bridge connecting the Yangtze-River Delta region and be further involved in the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.
Taopu Smart City
In 2013, Taopu area was listed as a key zone in the municipal industrial restructuring. Taopu Smart City covers an area of 7.9 kmsquare km, including 4.2 kmsquare km of core zone, east of Nanxiang-Hejiawan section of Beijing-Shanghai Railway, west of Outer Ring Road, south of Shanghai-Ningbo Railway and north of Shanghai-Jiading Expressway. As planned, the developed floor area will reach 4.27 million square meters.
In recent years, great progress has been achieved in the Taopu Area’s transformation. The municipal party committee and city government introduced an official document “The Action Plan to Accelerate the Transformation and Development in Taopu Area.”  Adhering to the high-quality and high-level development requirements, we have drawn a regulatory plan for the 4.2 kmsquare km core region in Taopu and will draft 27 another detailed specific plans accordingly. We also finalized the design proposal for Taopu central green land. As an intensive adjustment measure, we closed down 31 parking lots, 1,001 low-end logistic enterprises, 404 warehouses and Taopu Thermal Power Station to push forward the transformation of enterprises with low production. We now have 163 hectares of land reserves, which amounts to 55 percent of the target.
During the 13th Five Year Plan, Taopu will adopt an open, market-based system in line with the developmental vision for areas along the Huangpu River as well as for  downtown metropolis area. We will insist on a small-scale, high-density, and human-centric approach with  high cash incentive to step up the integrated development of industry and city. It includes a green ecological system with low-carbon emission and a humane urban design. All the above will make Taopu a model zone in urban transformation and development with strong core competitiveness.
By 2017, we aim to complete the construction of the central green land and reach the target of land reserves. By the end of the 13th Plan period, the general development framework of Taopu Smart City will be in place with various breakthroughs achieved in regional transformation.
Zhenru Area
Located between Inner Ring Road and Middle Ring Road, Zhenru area is next to Shanghai-Ningbo Expressway, Shanghai-Jiading Expressway and Riverine Expressway. It covers an area of 6.21 kmsquare km, including 2.43 kmsquare km of core zone.
During the 12th Five Year Plan, we  attained land reserves of 32.33 hectares and land leases of 12.25 hectares as well as three functional projects with accumulated area totaling 500,000 square meter . Shanghai West Railway Station has been put in use. We shut down low-end markets including Shanhua Fruits and Vegetables Market and Caoyang Fruits Market and accelerated the re-construction of Hongqi Village in the district. To develop an ecological modern district, we  ensured the “Shanghai Zhenru Sub-center Green Building Standards.”
During the 13th Five Year Plan, we will speed up the restructuring of low-end markets and focus on improving the district's image and urban environment. We will also accelerate the re-construction of Hongqi Village and build an ecological zone for cultural and recreational activities. It includes a cultural park. We intend to gain support from the department of railway by strengthening the connection between Shanghai West Railway Station and cities in Yangtze-River Delta. This  will maximize the station’s position as a transportation hub. On the road front, underground, ground and over-ground spaces have been connected across Liquan Road, Lishang Road and Phase II of Zhenhua Road to use them as  comprehensive traffic network.   Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited will complete key functional projects such as Upper West Shanghai by to further develop the metro complex with a focus on drawing to the district more headquarters and enterprises in R&D and services. A business cluster and public spaces for cultural events is also going to be built.
III South Wing Area
The south wing includes Changshou and Changfeng business areas as well as Zhonghuan commercial hub. Putuo will develop “waterfront economy” at its south wing as part of the district’s 13th five-year plan.  
As the south wing is alongside Suzhou Creek, Putuo will facilitate the area with more greenery, culture venues, renovated embankment, riverside public space and non-motorized transport like sidewalk and bike lanes.
After a facelift, the area will be an ideal destination for business, travel and cultural activities as well as a landmark of Shanghai Style inhereting history and creating the future.
Changfeng Business Area
Changfeng business area is a 2.2 square kilometers area to the north of Suzhou Creek, adjacent to Zhenbei Rd. in the west, Daduhe Rd. in the east and Jinshajiang Rd. in the north. .
By the end of the last year of 12th five-year plan, Putuo Merger and Acquisition Finance Gathering Area has integrated industries such as financial service, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events), culture and tourism as well as innovation technology.
Projects completed and under construction totals 2.36 million square meters. The financial zone also has 204 hectares of land in reserve. More than 2,000 enterprises settle down here together with their over 20,000 employees.
It has been built as a highland of financial investment in Putuo and included in the reform of Shanghai’s tertiary sector.
Putuo has built a corridor along the 2.7 kilometers of riverbank of Suzhou Creek which houses a trademark museum, Jackie Chan’s film studio, Suzhou Creek Industrial Civilization Museum, a yacht club and Museum of Mergers and Acquisitions. The Suzhou Creek cruises have been resumed.
According to the 13th five-year plan, Changfeng business area will further integrate financial institutions, funds, trade associations, think tanks, investment banks as well as professional services to develop financial industry.
The area will improve its traffic network and build more public spaces and facilities to become an important gathering area of business headquarters around the city.
Zhonghua Commercial Hub
Zhonghua commercial hub takes Middle Ring Road as the central axis. It is to the south of Suzhou Creek, adjacent Caoan Rd. in the north, Daduhe Rd. in the east and Qilianshan Rd. in the west. It covers an area of 4.5 square kilometers. It has been officially recognized as a municipal commercial center since 2009.
It created a national e-commerce demonstration base in 2015 which has been included in Shanghai’s earliest smart business circles. More than 1.7 million square meters of space in the area has been put into use. Commercial facilities  space reached 800,000 square meters. Large shopping centers in the area include Bailian Zhonghuan Shopping Mall, the NGS 118 Plaza, METRO, B&Q and Redstar Macalline. Shanghai Friendship Store is among the earliest duty-free shops in Shanghai. Tiandi Technology Valley is a municipal demonstration base for culture and creative industries.
Zhonghuan will introduce and cultivate enterprises major in third party e-commerce transactions and services, electronic payment and cross border e-commerce in line with its 13th five-year plan.
Putuo District will take further move to build the brand of “Golden Zhonghuan”, promote the construction of Zhonghua smart commercial area and upgrade the area with big data technology. It will cultivate businesses like smart illuminating, education equipment, mobile game and Internet film and television.
Changshou Business Area
Changshou business area neighboring Jing’an and Changning districts covers 5.37 square kilometers spanning across the Suzhou Creek . .
Thanks to the efforts made to  promote the economic transformation and the comprehensive environmental improvement in the past five years, the area has more than 40 key office buildings and five culture and creative industrial parks with a total construction area of 106,800 square meters. It included M50 creative park on Moganshan Road, Tanjia 28 and China 1912 creative industry park. It is one of the most concentrated areas of office buildings in Putuo. Together with service industry facilitating  business, recreation and hotels there is a considerable regional business circle. Putuo will further dig into the waterfront culture, and enhance the functions of commerce and business, culture and creativity, catering and entertainment, and tourism and recreation by relying on the building resources and optimizing spatial layout, and build a world-class modern service cluster to demonstrate Shanghai’s image as a fashion city.
Putuo will speed up the development of Caojiadu next  to Changning and Jing’an. Underground space and waterfront views as well as an overpass corridor connecting various buildings in the area are major aspects of a new round of construction.
It will form an emerging area together with Huxi Workers Cultural Palace and Yuexing Global Harbor with improved traffic conditions and greenery and integrate with historical buildings and memory of the city to become a unique place combined with culture, art and business.

Cooperation and Communication
Putuo will carefully carry out instructions given by Central and Municipal Committees to strengthen domestic cooperation and communication, further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, actively take the initiative to strengthen cooperation with relevant areas of domestic provinces and municipalities in friendly exchange and economic and trade cooperation, and accelerates regional economic development in the process of serving the Yangtze River Delta area, Yangtze River basin and the whole country. By March of 2015, Putuo District had established friendship with a total of 43 cities and regions across the country. Altogether 106 administrative bodies of various levels from brother provinces and districts have set up offices in Putuo, in which there are 16 provincial offices. About 3,000 enterprises are attracted to invest in Putuo every year. The district government also supports and encourages local enterprises to invest and seek development in other provinces and cities. There are dozens of local companies having investment throughout the country, especially in central and western regions of China, with a total investment of some 20 billion yuan.

Prospect of Putuo
Upholding the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, guided by the direction Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents” and the Scientific Outlook on Development, and in the practice of the spirit of a series of important lectures  by President Xi Jinping, Putuo District sticks to Four Comprehensives. They are: adopting ideals of innovation, coordination,  and openness in  the whole process of development; focusing  on improving development quality and benefits; conducting innovation-driven development, and; economic restructuring and upgrading. The district will display the restructuring of Taopu Town as a model to adopt reform and innovation as growth drivers; implement environment upgrades as breakthroughs; guarantee and improve residents’ living status; coordinately develop economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization and the Party organization to contribute greater to Shanghai’s efforts to become a global innovation center, an international financial, economic, shipping and trade and modern socialist international metropolis. By 2020, Putuo District will form the function layout of “One Axis and Two Wings” to  complete construction of practices area and ecological zone suitable for living, innovation and businesses that concretely represent  “Better City and Better Life.”.

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