Sunday, May 5, 2019

Cyclists and Pedestrians

Cyclists in Shanghai don’t wear helmets. The crowded bicycle parking lot alongside the road is a reminder of the huge population of cyclists in Shanghai.
Cycling in Shanghai
China is the kingdom of bicycles. Free from traffic jams and crowded buses, cycling makes for a good choice for you to get around the city.
Mopeds and electric bicycles also use bike lanes, but they are more expensive than bikes.
Most of the streets don’t have bike lanes, and cycling on pavements is not wise. One-way streets are also a problem. So before you hit the road, work out a suitable route.
U-shape locks are most popular among the Shanghai cyclers. A lock to one wheel will totally render a bike unmovable.
Finding a reliable lock or even several locks for your dear bike is paramount. Some bicycle lock companies even guarantee refund if bikes with their locks are stolen.
It's wise to park at bicycle parking lots, though it will cost you 0.5 to 1 yuan each time. There are usually watchers to keep an eye on the lots, keeping your bike safe from thieves.
Last but not least, the elevated roads are absolutely forbidden for bikes or pedestrians. Never try to find a shortcut above your head.
Walking is great for sightseeing, but while walking it is also easy to get lost. When you decide to go out on foot, remember to take along a pen and paper. If you do get confused by the labyrinth-like streets, which are famous for not following straight directions, you may write down your destination and ask a passer-by for help. Generally, most of the youngsters in Shanghai can speak some English.
Turning to the traffic policemen is also a choice for you when you are lost. Be patient with them, as their English may not be perfect.
Nowadays, some streets are equipped with countdown showing the amount of time left to get across the street. Sometimes it is accompanied with a "beeper."
The downtown area is often crowded at weekends. Beware of thieves and frauds among the crowds. Keep an eye on your valuables and never bother to talk to any suspicious stranger.

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